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Illustration by Tom Abi Samra

Mark Your Calendar

Take note of what is happening on campus next week.

Mar 16, 2019

Computer Science Recruitment Seminar Series
Watch out for a seminar given on March 17 by Djellel Difallah, a Moore-Sloan Data Science Fellow at the New York University Centre for Data Science. Difallah will speak about Analysis and Design of Micro-Task Crowdsourcing Platforms. Where current crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, are often treated as a black box for on-demand human intelligence. These platforms in fact contain complex market structures that are being studied. The talk will centre around presenting regarding the results of longitudinal analyses of data collected from Amazon Mechanical Turk using web scraping and surveys with the goal of analysing these data to gain insight into the underlying dynamics of the crowd and guide the design of increasingly efficient crowdsourcing platforms. The talk will take place in the Experimental Research Building (C1) 045 on March 17 from 11:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.
Emergence of Neural Network Organization During Brain Development
A biology recruitment seminar will be hosted by Dr. Filipe Souse. The talk will center around developmental strategies that the nervous system uses to wire complex circuits. The adult brain containing billions of neurons with distinct identities requires the neural circuit assembly to coordinate between distinct processes. Research has not yet yielded answers as to how these processes interact with each other nor the mechanisms involved. Dr. Souse and his team have addressed this question by asking how neuronal lineage, the specification of neural identity and birth timing influence neural wiring in the Drosophila motion vision circuit. The talk will also discuss how the establishment of connectivity within a neural circuit can only be fully understood in its developmental context. The talk will take place in Experimental Research Building (C1), Room 045 on March 18 at 12 p.m.
Ming Ee Tham is Deputy News Editor. Email him at
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