
Superheros Take NYUAD

Superhero Week, an event hosted by NYU Abu Dhabi from April 1 to April 4, was an initiative by the Office of Student Life in collaboration with various ...

Apr 5, 2014

Superhero Week, an event hosted by NYU Abu Dhabi from April 1 to April 4, was an initiative by the Office of Student Life in collaboration with various Student Interest Groups that aimed to celebrate the beauty and power of comic arts.
According to the Student Life, the event aimed to foster collaboration between various student groups at the university. Assistant Director of Student Activities Victor Lindsay felt that the subject of superheroes was attractive to people of various interests. He also wanted to share his love for comics with the rest of the student body and to dispel myths about comics being childish and simplistic.
“A long time ago, that might have been more true, but now, the characters and the stories are very complex,” said Lindsay.
“Comics, and the superheroes who inhabit them, have evolved along with our society over the past century. To me, they remain an important lens for celebrating the best of humanity while also shining a light on our fears and failings,” Lindsay added.
According to freshman and member of the Spirit Committee Rend Beiruti, Superhero Week managed to spark renewed interest in comics and superheroes. “I think superhero week put superheroes under a different light and served as a great introduction for me into their world," she said.
The week’s events included a screening of  “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” a costume party, and a visit to the Middle East Film and Comic Con in Dubai. Freshman Natalie Hilarie felt the event catered equally to those unfamiliar with the realm of superheroes and those who were already initiated into the fandom.
"As a first timer, I found that the activities served as a great introduction into the [comic book] world. I was never really interested in comics but after this week I am more inclined to explore."
Low participation is a common issue at NYUAD events, and the Superhero Week suffered similarly, where certain events were poorly attended. Some, like the Superhuman Registration Act Debate, co-hosted by Justice League, MUN and Debate Society, had to be cancelled last minute due to low attendance.
Despite these setbacks, the Office of Student Life was happy with how the week panned out and is looking forward to planning similar events in the future.
Mitali Banerji is deputy features editor. Email her at 
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